If you’re looking for a thrilling new way to stay fit and explore your surroundings, then skateboarding might be the perfect solution.
While people have long enjoyed running as an accessible form of exercise, the benefits of skateboarding are often overlooked due to its edgy reputation.
In truth, skating can be a great alternative option that not only offers physical health advantages but can also spark creativity and allow one to develop self-expression.
Through this article, we’ll explore how in many ways skateboarding is better than running — from environmental sustainability to mental well-being — so you can make an informed decision about which activity will best suit your lifestyle.
Is skateboarding better than running?
Skateboarding and running are two popular activities used to stay active and have fun. Comparing the two, skateboarding may be better in certain scenarios.
With skateboarding, you have more options for tricks and acrobatic maneuvers that can often lead to an increased level of excitement. It also gives less strain on your ankles and joints than running.
More significantly, it is a full body workout as opposed to only accomplishing cardio with running. As long as you are properly equipped with a helmet, elbow pads, wrist guards, and knee pads to ensure safety, then you’re good to go.
Either way you choose to get your exercise in, both activities are great to make sure that you do stay physically active over time.
Why skateboarding better than running?
If you’re looking for a new way to get your daily workout, consider skateboarding instead of running.
While it might not be for everyone, there are many reasons why skateboarding can be better than running.
From building skills to having fun, skateboarding offers a wide range of benefits that make it a great alternative to running.
Let’s take a closer look at five of these advantages.
Builds Skills and Muscle Memory
One of the best things about skateboarding is that it helps you develop skills and muscle memory.
You learn how to control your board, how to shift your weight correctly, and how to carry yourself while riding.
All of this will help you become more agile and confident on your board, which in turn makes you a better skater overall.
Learning these skills can also help improve other sports such as snowboarding or surfing later on down the line.
Improves Balance and Coordination
Skateboarding also helps improve balance and coordination.
As you ride, you’ll have to concentrate on where you place your feet and hands in order to stay balanced while performing tricks.
This concentration strengthens both gross motor skills (such as hand-eye coordination) and fine motor skills (such as finger dexterity).
And with regular practice comes improved balance and coordination overall.
Gives You Fun Challenges
Another great thing about skateboarding is that it provides fun challenges.
From mastering new tricks to competing against friends in friendly competitions, there’s always something new that can keep you motivated and pushing yourself further each time out on the board.
On top of that, skateboarders tend to come up with their own style which adds an element of creativity into the mix—something that running simply doesn’t provide.
Strengthens Core Muscles
One often overlooked benefit of skateboarding is its ability to strengthen core muscles such as your abs, lower back, hips and glutes.
Regularly skating helps build strength throughout these areas which leads to improved posture as well as increased stability when performing tricks or taking on tricky terrain.
Provides an Outlet for Stress Relief
Finally, skateboarding can serve as an outlet for stress relief after a long day or week at work or school.
Being able to get out there and just focus on something completely different for a few hours can be incredibly therapeuticand allows us all the opportunity for some much needed creative expression.
The costs and time commitment associated with each activity:
Running is one of the most accessible activities out there. All you really need are some good running shoes and the motivation to get started.
It doesn’t require any special equipment and can be done pretty much anywhere – parks, roads, trails, etc. Most importantly, it’s free.
Skateboarding on the other hand requires a bit more equipment and investment.
You’ll need to purchase a board, some protective gear, and potentially even additional accessories such as wheels or trucks depending on your style of skateboarding.
It takes a bit more time to learn the basics of skateboarding compared to running. But once you do, it can be a great way to stay active and have fun.
Overall, both activities offer great health benefits and can help you stay physically active over time. It all comes down to your personal preferences and which one best suits your lifestyle.
Final Thoughts
All in all, this debate comes down to personal preference.
Skateboarding and running both have their own unique benefits, so it comes down to what type of exercise you enjoy the most.
If you’re looking for a full body workout with low impact, then skateboarding may be the way to go. On the other hand, if you prefer more of a cardio-focused approach, then running may be more suited to your needs.
The important thing is to find an activity that makes you feel energized and pushes you out of comfort zone while still being enjoyable and sustainable.
Then find a support group who can help keep you motivated and accountable.
Whichever one works best for you will truly be the optimal form of exercise in your own unique journey.
Is skateboarding better exercise then running?
It depends on the individual’s preference. Both activities offer great health benefits, so it comes down to what type of exercise you enjoy the most.
Do I need any special equipment for skateboarding?
Yes, you will need some protective gear and potentially additional accessories such as wheels or trucks depending on your style of skateboarding.
How good is skateboarding as exercise?
Skateboarding is a great way to stay active and strengthen core muscles such as your abs, lower back, hips and glutes. It also provides an outlet for stress relief after a long day or week at work or school. Overall it can be an effective form of exercise.
Is running harder than skateboarding?
It depends on the individual’s skill level and type of activity. Running is generally more accessible as it doesn’t require any special equipment and can be done pretty much anywhere. Skateboarding takes a bit more time to learn the basics, but once you do, it can be a great way to stay active and have fun.