Skateboarding is a popular recreational activity among people of all ages.
It can provide various physical and mental health benefits, but there are also potential risks.
Involves balance and coordination, so it helps to strengthen your muscles and increase flexibility.
However, it’s important to be aware of the possible risks associated with skateboarding, including injuries to the head, neck, or back.
In this article, we’ll explore how skateboarding affects your body in both positive and negative ways and discuss safety tips for preventing injuries while skateboarding.
Short Answer: Skateboarding can be an incredibly beneficial activity for your body and your overall health. Not only can it help to develop muscles, but it can also increase strength and agility, reduce stress levels, and even improve coordination and balance.
Is skateboarding a good workout?
Yeah, as it engages large muscle groups and gets your heart rate up. It’s also a great way to improve balance and coordination.
It’s portable, so it’s perfect for those days when you want to get outside and be active but don’t have access to traditional gym equipment. Skateboarding can help you build strength in your core, arms, and legs while also helping tone your muscles.
The constant motion of skateboarding strengthens muscles used for balancing on the board, such as the quadriceps and calf muscles.
Similar to running or cycling, skateboarding burns calories and fat while increasing overall aerobic fitness levels.
Skateboarding has the added benefit of being both fun and exciting; unlike more structured forms of exercise like running on a treadmill or lifting weights at the gym which may become monotonous over time.
With all these benefits combined, skateboarding is an excellent form of physical activity that can provide both enhanced fitness levels as well as enjoyment.
How does skateboarding affect your body?
Skateboarding is a physically demanding activity that can have varied effects on our bodies both in the short-term and long-term. Following are some of the ways skateboarding can affect our body:
Improved Strength and Balance
One of the main benefits of skateboarding is that it can help you build strength and balance.
Skateboarding requires you to constantly shift your weight while maintaining balance as you move through complex tricks and turns.
This will help strengthen the muscles required to keep you balanced and also build muscle mass in other parts of your body, such as your legs, shoulders, arms, abdomen, chest, back and glutes.
Improved Coordination
Not only does skateboarding require good balance but it also requires coordination to be successful.
When done correctly, skateboarding requires skillful coordination between your eyes, hands and feet while maneuvering on the board with varying speeds.
This improved coordination will not only benefit you when doing tricks on the board but also in everyday life activities as well.
Increased Cardiovascular Health
Skateboarding involves continuous movement which is great for your cardiovascular health.
The repetitive motion of pushing off with one foot while controlling speed with the other helps to get blood flowing throughout your body and increases both endurance and stamina over time.
If skating outdoors you’re getting some Vitamin D from the sun – another plus for improved heart health.
Improved Flexibility
Skating involves a lot of twisting movements which can help improve flexibility in key areas such as hips, ankles and hamstrings.
As you twist onto different stances on the board or jump off curbs or rails your muscles are forced to adapt accordingly which helps them become more flexible over time.
This improved flexibility can help prevent injury in day to day activities as well as while skateboarding itself.
Enhanced Mental Health Benefits
Finally, partaking in any physical activity provides mental health benefits; this holds for skateboarding as well.
By challenging yourself with new tricks or moves on the board or simply just getting out into nature can help relax your mind after a long day or week at work or school – leaving you feeling refreshed and energized afterward.
Furthermore, mastering difficult maneuvers will give you an immense sense of accomplishment which will boost self-esteem levels significantly.
Final Verdict
Skateboarding can not only bring you enjoyable experiences but also benefit your body in various ways.
Along with improving coordination, balance, and agility, skateboarding helps strengthen the muscles of the lower body as well as strengthen joints and ligaments.
As with all physical activities, it’s important to practice basic safety measures like wearing wrist guards, helmets, elbow and knee pads when skating.
When done safely, skateboarding can be a great way to stay active and reap the rewards of improved health and well-being.