Do you ever find yourself wondering if there could be a faster, easier way to clean your skateboard bearings?
It’s a common dilemma for many skaters—skateboard bearings can accumulate dust and dirt over time, leading to reduced performance.
Until now, the standard cleaning process involved taking apart each bearing hub and using specialty solvents like mineral spirits to clean out the dirt and grime.
But what if there were an alternative solution that you could use in place of these labor-intensive cleaners? Enter WD40—the iconic all-purpose lubricant oil—and its potential for being used as a grease remover on skateboard bearings.
In this article, we’ll discuss whether or not it is safe to use WD40 on your skateboard bearings and provide some tips on how best to do so.
Quick Facts: Skateboard bearings should not be treated with WD-40. This all-purpose lubricant can actually degrade the plastic parts of the bearing, causing accelerated wear and decreased performance, as well as potential damage to other parts like the protective shields. For best results, skateboard bearings should be lubricated with a light machine oil since this not only provides better protection from moisture and dirt but also creates less friction on rotating components. Keeping these points in mind is an important step to ensure you get a smooth ride out of your skateboard for years to come.
What is WD40?
WD40 is an incredibly versatile product that has a multitude of uses – from helping to lubricate squeaking door hinges to protecting against rust and corrosion.
It is known as both a cleaner and stiff, yet lightweight lubricant, meaning it can take on tough tasks without sacrificing its ability to keep mechanical devices working smoothly.
With WD40, you can be sure that any job you’re working on will get done in no time and with great results thanks to its powerful combination of ingredients.
Whether you’re protecting tools from the elements or just need something to help fix up that pesky creak at home, WD40 is here for the job.
What does WD40 do?
WD40 is the ultimate multi-purpose liquid toolbox helper. It can be used as a lubricant, penetrant, degreaser and moisture-proofing agent on a wide range of home and vehicle components.
Its thinning and dispersing additives prevent water stains and protect against rust, oxidation and corrosion while also providing protection from harsh elements such as those found in marine conditions.
It not only prevents squeaking from bolts and hinges but also helps remove gum, tar and adhesive residues from surfaces without leaving a residue.
An all-around must-have for any toolbox,WD40 features a lengthy list of uses to make your life easier – whether it’s removing rust from sink faucets or penetrating screws that stubbornly refuse to budge.
Can you use WD40 on skateboard bearings?
Skateboarders often struggle to keep their bearings in good condition, so it’s natural to ask whether a lubricant like WD40 would be useful.
However, while WD40 is effective on many different types of moving parts, there are better options available for skateboard bearings.
Despite all, No, It’s generally recommended to use special bearing lube specifically for skateboarding instead of WD40, as the latter can actually cause the bearing surfaces to wear out faster over time.
It might seem tempting due to its availability, but it’s best avoided if you want your bearings to stay in great condition.
Bearing lube made for skateboards helps preserve their life and makes skateboarding smoother too – definitely something worth considering if you’re a serious skater or just love having fun on your deck.
Does WD40 fix skateboard bearings?
The answer to the question of whether WD40 can fix skateboard bearings is no. While WD40 can be used to clean and lubricate skateboard bearings and other components, it is not designed as a specific bearing repair product.
Skateboard bearings require specialized lubrication and maintenance, including cleaning with solvent or degreaser and then relubricating with a special high-speed oil. In addition to proper lubrication, skateboard bearings may need to be replaced if they are worn out or damaged due to excessive wear. WD40 does not have the properties necessary to replace worn out parts or repair any damage that has occurred in skateboard bearings.
WD40 may be used as a cleaner for skateboard bearings, but should not be used as a lubricant because its formulation is not designed for high speed applications like those found in skateboards. The main purpose of WD40 is as a rust preventative and waterproofing agent; it does not contain the special additives necessary for bearing lubrication and protection under high speed applications like skating.
Furthermore, WD40 evaporates quickly, meaning it will need to be applied more often than higher quality oils crafted specifically for bearing use.
Drawbacks to using WD40 on skateboard bearings
It Doesn’t Last Long:
WD40 is a solvent that is designed to dissolve rust and other contaminants from metal surfaces, but it doesn’t provide any lubrication or protection against further corrosion.
As such, it only provides short-term relief from bearing problems.
You’ll need to use another lubricant after applying WD40 in order to keep your bearings running smoothly.
It Can Damage Your Bearings:
WD40 contains solvents that are designed to break down any dirt or grime that has built up on the bearing surface.
However, these solvents can also break down the grease that is used to protect your bearings from wear and tear.
This can lead to premature wear and tear on the bearings themselves, resulting in increased noise and vibration during use – something no skater wants.
It’s Not Good For Longevity:
Because WD40 isn’t designed for long-term use on skateboard bearings, it won’t do much to prevent future corrosion or wear and tear on them over time.
This means you’ll have to reapply it more often than if you were using a dedicated bearing lubricant such as Bones Speed Cream or Swiss Oil for optimal performance and longevity of your board’s bearings.
It Makes Cleaning Difficult:
When you apply WD40 to skateboard bearings, it leaves behind an oily residue that can make cleaning them difficult later on down the line.
Especially if you don’t wipe off every last drop after application! Because of this, many skaters opt for specialized bearing cleaners such as Skull Skates Bearing Wash instead of relying solely on WD40 for cleaning their bearings.
It May Damage Other Components:
In addition to damaging your skateboard bearings, WD40 can also damage other components such as rubber gaskets or plastic bushings which are often used in modern boards’ construction materials.
To avoid potential damage, always be sure to remove all other components before applying any kind of cleaning solution or lubricant such as WD40 onto your board’s parts.
Is WD40 bad for skateboard bearings?
As any skateboarder knows, having functioning, well-oiled bearings is essential to having a smooth ride.
That being said, the debate regarding whether or not WD40 is bad for skateboard bearings has been ongoing for years.
Some say it can keep away rust and dirt, but because WD40 is a chemical spray, its long-term use leads to more harm than good. It strips away protective oils on the bearing and causes corrosion and weakening of metal parts.
Therefore, it’s best to instead use lubes specifically designed for skateboard bearings in order to ensure the longevity of your setup.
Using WD40 on skateboard bearings is not recommended.
After extensive testing, it was found that over time, WD40 can corrode the internal structure of the bearing and leave residue that affects lubrication.
Effective alternatives to using WD40 on skateboard bearings include light oil, three-in-one oil or a more specialized bearing lube designed to allow quicker spins with better protection against dirt and dust.
Careful use of any of these alternatives may improve the performance of your skateboard bearing and help you to enjoy your ride for longer.
Should I put WD40 in my skateboard bearings?
No, skateboard bearings require a specialized oil or bearing lubricant in order to keep them spinning smoothly and efficiently. WD40 is not recommended for use on skateboard bearings, as it can corrode the internal structure of the bearing and leave residue that affects lubrication.
What is the best lubricant for skateboard bearings?
The best lubricant for skateboard bearings is a specialized bearing lube designed specifically for this purpose. Light oil, three-in-one oil, and other bearing lubricants can also be used, but a dedicated skateboard bearing lubricant is likely to provide the best performance.