We all know that drinking and driving can have major consequences, but did you ever consider the possibility of being arrested for drunk driving on a skateboard?
It may sound far-fetched, but it’s absolutely possible to get a DUI on your skateboard. Whether you’re taking public transportation or just cruising the streets near your house, understanding DUI laws related to skating is important.
In this guide, we’ll look at what constitutes a DUI for someone riding their skateboard in various states around the country and why understanding these laws matters. Read on to learn more about driving under the influence (DUI) on wheels.
Can you get a DUI on a skateboard?
No, you cannot get a DUI on a skateboard. While it is possible to be impaired by drugs or alcohol while using a skateboard and could potentially cause a hazardous situation, the legal definition of DUI (driving under the influence) applies to motor vehicles such as cars, motorcycles, boats and other vehicles with engines.
Therefore, even if someone was impaired by drugs or alcohol while skateboarding, they could not be charged with DUI because they are not operating a motor vehicle. In addition to being unable to be charged with DUI while riding a skateboard, it is also worth noting that many cities and states have laws against riding skateboards under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
In some areas, this can result in hefty fines or even jail time for those who violate this type of law. Additionally, skateboarders should take into account how their actions may endanger themselves or others when under the influence of drugs or alcohol; many areas have laws against public intoxication which may lead to criminal charges for individuals found guilty of these offenses.
What are the penalties for DUI on a skateboard?
Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious problem that puts both drivers and pedestrians at risk of injury. While many people think of DUI as exclusively involving car drivers, intoxicated individuals can also be charged with driving while impaired on a skateboard.
Whether you are caught operating any kind of vehicle while under the influence, DUI offenses are a serious matter with steep penalties. Understanding what the consequences may be if you are found guilty of DUI on a skateboard can help you make smart decisions that could save you from being in hot water with the law.
Consequences Vary by State and Country
The consequences for riding while under the influence vary depending on where you live. In some countries, such as Australia, it’s not illegal to ride a skateboard while drunk.
However, in most states in the US, it’s illegal and punishable by law. In California, for example, a first offense can result in fines up to $1,000 and up to six months in jail.
A second offense could mean up to one year of jail time and fines up to $2,000.
Penalties for Minors Charged with DUI
If you are charged with DUI on a skateboard and you are under 21 years old (the legal drinking age in most states), there is zero tolerance for alcohol or drug use in any situation – even if your blood alcohol level is below .08%
This means that even if your BAC is .02% or lower – which would be considered legal for adults over 21 – you can still be arrested and charged with DUI.
Depending on the state, minors who have been charged with DUI may also face additional complications such as having their driver’s license revoked or suspended until they reach 21 years old or until they complete an alcohol education program approved by the DMV.
Additional Penalties May Apply
In addition to fines and jail time, there may be other penalties associated with being charged with DUI on a skateboard such as attending mandatory court-ordered classes related to substance abuse or road safety awareness programs.
- Having your vehicle (in this case your skateboard) impounded.
- Installing an ignition interlock device on your vehicle (or board).
- Paying restitution.
- Completing community service hours.
- Having your professional license revoked.
- Losing your right to operate any motor vehicles (even those without wheels).
The exact penalties depend on the severity of the offense and the laws of each individual state or country.
How do police officers test for DUI on a skateboard?
If you are a skateboarder, it is important to understand the steps law enforcement may take when testing for DUI. Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is a serious offense that comes with serious consequences. Therefore, it is essential to familiarize yourself with how officers test for DUI so that you can make informed decisions on the road.
The Officer Pulls You Over
When an officer spots suspicious driving behavior such as not abiding by traffic signals or weaving between lanes, they will initiate a DUI investigation. This process begins with the law enforcement official pulling you over and requesting to examine your identification. Afterward, they may inquire if you have been consuming alcohol or using drugs.
Field Sobriety Tests
If an officer suspects that you are under the influence, they may perform field sobriety tests such as walking a straight line, standing on one leg, or reciting the alphabet backwards. These tests are designed to check your balance and coordination, which can be impaired by alcohol or drug use.
Breathalyzer Test
If an officer feels that there is enough evidence to believe that you were driving under the influence, they may require you to take a breathalyzer test. This test measures the amount of alcohol in your system and provides an accurate reading of your blood alcohol content (BAC). If your BAC is higher than 0.08%, then it is considered illegal by most states and carries serious penalties.
How can I avoid getting a DUI on a skateboard?
Whether you’re a skateboard enthusiast or just starting out, safety should always come first.
Skating is an adrenaline-pumping activity but it can quickly turn dangerous if you decide to mix alcohol and skateboarding. Now, after considering for the penalties of a DUI on a skateboard, you should be aware of the dangers and how to avoid them.
Why Alcohol & Skating Don’t Mix
Alcohol impairs your judgment, balance, reflexes, and decision-making abilities—all of which are essential for safe skating.
Even if you don’t think you’ve had too much to drink, it only takes one misstep or mistake for an accident to occur. The consequences can be serious—and even deadly.
Additionally, it is illegal in all 50 states for someone who is under the influence of alcohol (or drugs) to ride a skateboard in public places like streets, sidewalks, parks, etc.
If caught doing so by law enforcement officers, you may face charges such as public intoxication or even a DUI (driving under the influence).
Know Your Legal Rights
The law surrounding DUIs on skateboards varies from state to state.
For example, some states consider riding a skateboard while intoxicated as a misdemeanor offense while others view it as a felony offense punishable by jail time or fines. It’s important that you know your legal rights in case of any situation involving a possible DUI on your board.
Additionally, depending on the severity of the offense and other circumstances such as prior convictions or injuries caused by intoxication, penalties could range from minimal fines to long-term imprisonment.
Practice Sober Skating Habits
Along with being aware of the legal consequences of skating while intoxicated, practicing sober skating habits is key for staying safe on your board no matter where you ride.
This means maintaining basic safety equipment like helmets and pads at all times and avoiding risky terrain like downhill slopes without proper supervision or experience level.
And of course always make sure that you’re sober before stepping onto your board.
Final Verdict
While this off-the-wall legal query may seem strange to some, it points to a larger issue just how far does the definition of “operating” a vehicle reach in an increasingly diverse range of means (of transport)?
It is an important conversation to have as we look ahead into an ever-changing mobility landscape.
Hopefully this article has shown that there is at least one fairly straightforward limit in the world of operating a vehicle – not even your speedy skateboard can land you with a DUI.
Keep skating safely and enjoy those sunny days outside!